SIENA, 16th August 2018
In the tense silence that anticipates the last test before the great event, in Piazza del “Campo” resounds a solemn trampling of hooves, but much more ordered and calm than the frenetic pace of the horses of the “contrade”. And here with an elegant gait, in a whirlwind of red-blue plumes, the squad of the Carabinieri makes its appearance, and after a round of inspection, they head towards the most illustrious officers of the Palio.
Here, after a moving and distinguished salute to the authorities, the military begin their grandiose choreography proceeding initially with an elegant trot and then, launched at the sign of the commander, in a quick and courtly gallop with the ceremonial swords unsheathed to the light of the sun under the general ovations of the crowd ready to acclaim them for the incredible tribute that the “Arma of Carabinieri” offers to the city of Siena for the second consecutive year.